Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I Scream, You Scream...

Want free ice cream? Today Baskin Robbins is celebrating Bump Day and pregnant women get a free scoop. With the price of gas I am not sure it is quite worth it to travel to multiple BR's to get cones for all my friends, but if you are driving, I am willing to be your decoy.

Speaking of screaming...LP woke up around 4 am calling "Mommmmmmyyyyyyyyyy. Mommmmyyyyyyyyy." for no apparent reason. It was awesome.


Anonymous said...

What about the BF/pumping mommas who need all of those calories to make milk? I'm eating anything that isn't nailed down these days. Enjoy your free scoop : )


KiKi said...

Drat. Guess I was too hasty in my decision to delay having another baby.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone say, time to find the nearest BR?