Saturday, September 6, 2008


A few months ago my mother brought us SquidSoap. Most likely she bought it because it was on clearance at Target and not because she thought I needed it. If you know my mom you will agree with this statement (sorry mom, it is true). Anyway, this is a product from Airborne that is supposed to teach kids about proper handwashing. Basically when you press down the pump you get some ink on your hand that won't disappear until you wash your hands with soap for at least 15-20 seconds.

Since LP has started using the potty she has also become really interested in frequently washing her hands. Hallelujah! I thought this would be a good time to bust out the fancy soap. Two hours and multiple hand washings later, I must admit that LP and I do not have the orange dot of ink that appears in the middle of your hand when using this product. Rather, OUR HANDS ARE ENTIRELY BRIGHT PINK.

No wonder it was on clearance at Target...


A's Mom said...

Ok, now that you should have taken a picture of and send to the manufacturer. Hope it comes off by the end of the weekend!

Stephanie said...

That made me laugh out loud! The long, deep, belly laugh... the kind that does great things for your abs. ;)

Thanks for the giggle, then the guffaw (because that's soooo something I would have bought for exactly that reason), and consequently for the belly workout.

Wenderina said...

Stephanie said it for me. Too much.