Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Some Guilty Pleasures

Okay, I admit it, I spend too much time on the Internet. In addition to trying to keep up daily with all of the blogs listed on the right, I also have a few other guilty pleasures that I check out a few times a week.
  1. The Awful Truth. EOnline's gossip blog. I admit it, I love the Blind Vices and knowing about celebrity's business. At least I don't watch the tabloid TV shows or buy tabloids, that would be going too far, right?
  2. Chatological Humor. This is the Washington Post's weekly discussion by its humor columnist Gene Weingarten. I haven't lived in DC for a long time, but I enjoy the online discussion and every once in a while, I even post something.
  3. NY Times Weddings. I typically don't know anyone listed in the NY Times weekly wealthy people wedding round-up. But I like reading them anyway. And I keep secretly hoping that I will recognize a name from camp or somewhere else in my past.
  4. Pop Candy. I am totally not cool or hip, but I like USA Today's round-up of what is going on in the world of pop culture.
  5. Watch With Kristin. The Hoos is constantly wondering why I know so much about what is going to happen next on Lost or any of the few television shows that we actually watch. Thank you, Kristin, for keeping me informed.
  6. Washington Post, NY Times, Newsday, and the Norwalk Advocate. No, I don't only use the Internet for evil. I also use it to stay on top of news - globally and locally. (Okay, so I haven't lived on Long Island in almost 10 years, but for some reason I am drawn to the local paper).
  7. Pictures. Okay, this isn't the Internet, but I do find myself going into my My Pictures folder and looking at LP's baby pictures all too frequently. I also visit YouTube and look at the two videos I have posted of her at least a couple of times a month. I posted a few of the best pics below, after looking at them I am sure you can't blame me for this one...

Got any guilty pleasures to add to my list? Places I should check out and get lost in?

1 comment:

Mrs. Booms said...

Mine used to be Perez Hilton. But now, I just get stuck in bloggerland mostly.