Tuesday, August 11, 2009


In general, LP loves animals. From afar. She waves at them, points them out and runs from window to window in our house when a dog walks by. She insists on visiting the animals at Stew Leonard's but then jumps into my arms if one actually moves toward her.

The Hoos is also a friend of animals. Given the opportunity he would add a four- or no-legged friend to our house. If only he could actually get LP to ask for one. He even takes her to pet stores and prompts her, "Would you like a [bearded dragon]?" and her answer is always a resounding no and emphatic shake of the head.

This week we are testing LP's resolve.

My brother-in-law and his family are on vacation. And so is Coco, their pet rabbit. Except they are in Florida and Coco is at our house.

Oddly enough, LP has really taken to Coco. She has even asked me to open his cage so she can pet him, but not - heaven forbid - let him out. She also asks to feed him salad and reminds me to clean his "glitter box."AK, my brave daughter, is much less of a fan. Any sudden movements from Coco drive her screaming from the room.

Last night the Hoos and I sat in the office where we have Coco's cage and let him out for some exercise. The poor thing has been cooped up since Friday. Not exactly how the Hoos and I wanted to spend our quiet time, but a necessary task.

Suffice it to say, I don't think we will be getting a pet anytime soon.

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