Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Somebody's Watching Me

This morning as I headed to our guest bedroom to get dressed for work, I noticed that the door to LP's room was open. In an effort to minimize the chance of me disturbing her, I reached in and started to close the door. Imagine my surprise when I looked over to my left at the crib and there was a really cute little girl, sitting up, staring at me.

I quickly walked out of the room and went to tell the Hoos what happened. Of course, LP let him know first by crying out. She eventually calmed herself down, but now it became necessary for me to avoid being spotted. Picture me in my work clothes, crawling around my house in an effort to stay out of the line of sight of an 11-month-old. Never mind that I am the parent and home owner, I bend to the will of my little munchkin like a dandelion in the wind.

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