Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Really? TWO Chatterboxes?

When I was pregnant with AK, I recall a lot of people confirming through anecdotes the conventional wisdom that not only are siblings nothing alike, they are most likely polar opposites.

With me and my brother this seems to be the case, although I am sure we have a few things in common beyond our lineage. For example, we both have two daughters. And, degrees...and, well, you get the point.

I was completely prepared for AK and LP to be two completely different children. When AK was born with dark curls and scrawny limbs, it solidified the situation in my mind. And, beyond looks, they are indeed quite different. AK is fearless. LP is cautious. AK eats just about anything you put in front of her (or more likely in front of me). LP is the carb queen, enjoying pasta with reckless abandon and not much else.

One area where they are absolutely and completely IDENTICAL is in the talking department. Seriously, when they are both around you can not have a minute of peace. If one isn't talking, the other is - or more likely if one is talking, they both are.

Last night was a perfect example of the similarities and the differences.

LP came running into the kitchen to tell me that Vidia, from the Tinkerbell movie, was not being very nice and she didn't want to watch. I told her that Vidia was not a very nice person and that we like nice people. "Right. We like nice people. Like Geoff and Carina [our neighbors]. They don't litter. Now will you come watch this scary part with me?"

AK came running in shortly thereafter, "Mommy, I want some Poppy Joe. In a bowl. While I watch Tinkerbell on tele-vision." She returned to the living room with her bowl of sloppy Joe meat to protect her sister from uncomfortable scenes of Vidia not being nice to Tinkerbell.

To be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh, except the other day when we ran into a co-worker of the Hoos' and his family. They had their adorable 8-month old son and he LOVED AK. He would smile and gurgle any time he looked at her. At some point she turned to me and said, "Mommy, the baby is black." When I ignored her she just kept repeating it louder.

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