Thursday, December 6, 2007

On Pregnancy

I know about half a dozen women that are currently pregnant. Aside from the obvious wonderful outcome of a pregnancy (which I pretty much talk about everyday when referencing LP) , there are lots of other perks and pitfalls that not everyone may be aware of.

Daily bloody noses
Monthly visits
Beautiful, round, full, achy boobs
Saggy breasts from nursing
Luxurious, shiny hair
Constant shedding and residual PPHL
Elastic waist bands
Constant thirst and bathroom visits
Caffeine and sushi
Feeling pudgy
Caring about looking pudgy
Empire waist shirts that make you look pregnant
Form fitting clothing
People treating you nicely
Getting hit on (like that ever happens)
Rude people in my space/face
Modesty and privacy
Rude questions e.g., "Was this planned?"
Questions about when we will start working on the next one

This is just a start, let me know if you have any additions!


A's Mom said...

Well, thank goodness I never had the bloody noses! You forgot Hello: Husband and any other guy in the world staring at your engorged breasts... and your shirts not fitting anymore leaving you to wear baggy shirts all the time.

Anonymous said...

Here's one - Hello: cranberry biscotti. May that be your craving throughout your pregnancy. Yum. (Yes, I have a one track mind.)

KiKi said...

Here's one - Hello: cranberry biscotti. May that be your craving throughout your pregnancy. Yum. (Yes, I have a one track mind.)

Tiffany said...

Hello eating what I want - Goodbye having to too worry about weight.