Family vacations are awesome for a lot of reasons; my top 3 are:
- All that time alone with your family.
- You aren't working.
- You may not have to cook at all (like me).
- All that time alone with your family (I love them, I really do, but 24x7 is a lot of time for a family of four to be together in one room or one car).
- You are constantly working at trying to figure out what to do next. Fortunately, pools, beaches and meal planning fill a lot of gaps.
- You eat lots of crap and fried stuff.
Why haven't I been blogging lately? Blame Facebook. It makes it so easy to upload pictures, share a silly story...This blog takes WORK, man. I need a topic, I need time, I need spell check! I have also recently taken up with Twitter. I mostly use it for work, but since I am a working mom, work and life sometimes overlap. And my kids sometimes say funny - or smart - things that actually relate to my work.
So I ask you blog-o-sphere, or regular or random readers - are blogs passe? Should I even bother? Or have you already seen all of my photos on Facebook?
I still like your blog, perhaps because there are fewer that I read now and I still like and appreciate the blog format. I just followed you on Twitter from my work account (since I do all the Tweeting and I rarely use my personal Twitter). I love "spreading sunshine"! You do exactly that!
Thanks Lori! I was just thinking the other day how much I miss the exploits of Lori MacBlogger!
Don't stop! I like and read your blog faithfully too. I don't mind them being less frequent. I share the same struggles, but still blog partially for enjoyment, partially to keep my family and friends in the loop and partially for historical record.
Obviously a common struggle. Except for a few very prolific and driven bloggers out there. But I still love reading more than a few characters. I will keep trying if you will. Although I would chuck it all if it meant we were forced to get together to connect!
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