Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's Ruff

I worked until 3 yesterday and left to take AK to the doctor. I was seriously worried she might have strep (dang those Internet diagnoses) and was already starting to feel terribly guilty at the thought that I had been denying her antibiotics by not taking her to the doctor sooner.

When I woke her up from her long nap it was evident that everything was not okay. She sounded more like a seal than ever - she now barked in a whisper! My mother-in-law assured me she was not like that all day and I whisked AK off for Urgi-Kids.

As soon as the doctor checked her out, she knew, "Are you feeling croupy, baby?" First of all, I was glad my baby had an accurate diagnosis and course of treatment (oral steroid in the office)Secondly, I felt relief. Croup - not strep. I was reassured to hear that AK would not have been given the steroid if I brought her in earlier, since the barking was a new symptom. They would not have been able to identify the virus as croup without it.

Reading this, I know it sounds horrible to think of myself and my guilt at the same time my baby is suffering; but, as a working mom, you constantly feel like you are making compromises. You wonder if you are doing the right thing - or if your priorities are askew. The fact that the doctor was able to provide both of us with comfort is icing.

The cherry is that AK did not have as bad a night as anticipated. Around 11 I had to comfort her and get her to calm down to temper her breathing, but other than that - she slept through the night. And, it appears that her fever broke. Hopefully it will be a restful, rejuvenating day at home for the both of us.

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